Wednesday, August 22, 2012


From my last entry about Korea, i forgot to share one interesting place that i think you guys should include into your itinerary when ever you guys think of going to Seoul which is TRICK EYE MUSEUM..

Remember, Must go okey!!

This would be the directory to go to the Trick Eye Museum :

Its Open everyday from 10AM to 10PM. Admission is 13,000 won for adults and 11,000 for kids. 

To get there, take the subway to Hongik University (Line 2, Exit 9). Walk straight then turn left at the first intersection. Walk until you reach Starbucks on the left. Cross the main street on your right and go down the alley next to Holika Holika. Continue walking for a minute and Santorini Seoul will be on your right.

This is the address of Trick Eye Museum : Seogyo-dong 357-1 B2 Mapo-gu Seoul

p/s:  Don't forget your camera!

This interactive museum features paintings that use the trompe l'oeil technique that create an optical illusion on flat surfaces. Famous artworks are turned into three-dimensional images, allowing visitors to interact with the characters inside the paintings.
No matter how much of an art snob you are, it is still fun to see how Trick Eye plays around with your favorite masterpieces.
It's a surreal experience walking among art that seems to leap out of the frame.   The Trick Eye Museum is a great place for families and friends to have some silly juvenile fun, and perhaps learn a little bit about art.


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