Friday, August 10, 2012

++ JAKARTA : DAY 1 ++

March 2012,

Was thinking of going to jakarta + bandung, since x penah lg jejak kaki to jakarta or bandung.
Teringin sbab org kate heaven kot shopping kt nk test la heaven ke x??


me wit my bestie, fiza <---- die ni my ex schoolmate, plan of going there... together with her mom since mak die pon nak join...

so book airasia, tix price around RM4++ since book lewat, n most inportant is, please find SUPIR if u wanna go there...u guys will not be able to go here n there in indonesia witout pak supir.

Day 1:

Kami ngan sgt bangga tanak amik supir for our day 1 arrived at jakarta..ingatkan cm amik je la taxi dr airport to hotel coz nak jimat dr amik supir la least jimat tuk byr one day since mmg book hotel btul2 dkt ngan tanah abang which our planned is to walk to pusat grosir tanah abang from our hotel coz based from our research, the walking distance is only around 10 minute...

So arrived je kt terminal 2 jakarta, blur la jp kan, pk nak naik ape ek g tanah abang....then ade pak supir sorg ni dtg approached kami, nak hantar kami to tanah abang lum sump of Rp 200,000...kiteorg pon trus on jer...its actually not worth it sbab amik supir pon they will charge u harga yg lebey kurg + u tayah jln2..x sakit kaki...he he he

So during our stay at Jakarta, we stay at N1 Hotel, really near to Pusat Grosir Tanah Abang..Hotel ni apy book thru fon, If interested, you can call at 00622153653908 , without any deposit or advance  payment....byr mase nak check senang la kn nak deal...dorg tade email or website.

Hotel Lobby

Hotel Contact No 

Hotel View

Review untuk hotel ni, this hotel is nice, clean altho the room are quite small...however, cud not demand la kan since cari hotel yg murah2 kan.. U can get the no fon of the hotel at pic above.. hotel rate if i'm not mistaken, RP350,000 per nite include breakfast which we add Rp20,000sorg coz kami btiga...

Then check in at 9am tu, then bag letak je kat reception tu...trus kiteorg pi jln kaki to pusat grosir tanah abang.

ni road yg kiteorg gune to tanah abang

u can see houses along railway !!!
ya allah...kalu they use to it.
u can see this view, kalu korg jln to tanah abang.

view of pusat grosir tanah abang from our room
tp, my advice to all yg nak g...its not that safe to walk....coz based from my experience...i pgang bag i tu cm nyawa i sbab takot dicuri...coz agak scary n, better amik la supir which akn bwk u dr hotel up to tanah abang parking.....selamat la ckit... 

Tanah Abang, Heaven tuk shopping for ladies especially...u can find from telekung, lace, kaftan, baju perempuan, lelaki, kanak2 n mcm2 je yg apy smpt snap since bz b'shopping...apy tade la kn lm picha sbab apy yg snap!!

lunch, kiteorg mkn kt food court lunch tu....sbab tade supir, so kne cari makanan kt food court... sedap jgk!!! yummy!!!

kami mkn di kdai ni la!!

nasi bakar with ayam

Whole day kt tanah abang dr bukak smpai dorg tutup...kdai kt cnie akan ttp dlm kul 5, 6 tau....not untill plan yr shopping!!!happy shopping..

Wait for my entry, BANDUNG plak !! okie....


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