Thursday, August 9, 2012

++ PENANG - PART 1 ++


jus nak update on my previous previous trip..he he he

me with buddies, my housemate mase i blaja diploma dlu kt Poly PD, kiteorg mmg every year akan jln juz this time decided to go a bit far  n heading to north...PENANG..

so friday nite, kiteorg meet at my house then from my house gerak pi 11pm....smpai penang around 8am since kiteorg stop for subuh prayer and also tuk rest...

Well, it was a nice trip..Penang also such a beautiful place to go....We stay at Batu Feringghi...Haiyakkk, can't remember the hotel name....he he he he..will update soon...

Hahaha...Luv Beach!!

pantai ni, located in front of our beautiful. Masyallah

Then, smpai tu, we all decided to go to bukit bendera, dh btahun2 duk msia, dis was my 1st time pi naik bukit bendera...excited!!!sure with garmin (gps) help...kiteorg drive to there...and we made it to find bukit bendera!!!

Then, blik hotel rehat2 n nite to proceed batu feringgi nite market n also since lapaq gler x mkn lg dinner...cari tmpat nak mamam...also kiteorg pi Hard Rock Hotel & Cafe kat Batu Feringgi

So dh letey bjalan, blik la kn tido coz sok nak proceed cari mkanan n jln2 lg!!

I mmg suke jln2 + abiskan duit yg x byk!!!

ha ha ha ha


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