Sunday, August 26, 2012


Okey, time untuk berehat-rehat dah tamat, which now i have to concentrate on my wedding.... only left 3 month je pi ronda-ronda la kt dalam internet ni mencari vendors untuk kad kahwin..Sebenanye it look easy however when it comes to make decision, it is not as easy as i thought. To much option, to much design... until i don't know which one to choose. However design really important and you have to take into consideration because it is related to your guest type.

Put it this way, takan la nak wat kad kahwin banyak cartoon kalu jemputan tu ade VIP yg berpangkat..kalu nak wat lain-lain design mcm untuk kawan design ni, untuk kawan mak ayah design lain n untuk VIP design lain pon boley cost la kan..

For my wedding, i have to choose not too fancy and not too traditional, n not too expensive..kene cari within my budget  n look a bit formal n also x mo tarok my picture because kad kahwin ni, sumtimes not all people simpan kan...they will throw it, semua tu depends on the bride and grooms la kan..sebab dorg punye citarasa..that was only based on my opinion.

Ni few cards that i like and could be my reference for my wedding card

irma & redza wedding card..sweet

i like muchie2...but wit picture la kan....neway, this would be vely the vely expensive kot...die artis..kite ni sape je la..
yg ni pon agak okey kan....

i like purple...sweet, simple & nice

yang ni..mmg la adoyai....satu je nak kt rm4 to rm 6..kalu wat 500pcs..dh bape lak tu kan...jgn mmbazir apy!!
ni pon same....confirm mahal!!

yang ni pon okey la kan....
So which one??emmm, the most part is to choose the best!!!so apy, let's review and make decision okey...card have to distribute a month before!!!!

This are few kad kahwin vendors which can be consider


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