Thursday, August 23, 2012

++ E-DAY 17.12.2011 ++

Ha ha ha...
Gelak dulu sbab dh almost half year tunang bru nak blog pasal entry tunang kn...
juz to share some sweet memories of mine with family, relatives n friends with others yg jupe blog apy ni!!!

Apy tunang, apy wat secara kecil-kecilan je...invite only close relatives and friends..

During the day, baju+veil+tudung semua sendiri punye...beli yg siap...x tempah n sewa coz bile kire blik budget..its not worth it to rent those with cost of  thousand +++ which at last, semua tu bkn kite punye...

Theme: Pink
Photographer : Danial Baharum
Baju, Veil & Tudung : Own
Makeup: Wawa (Friend of mine)
Caterer: Anisah Catering (owned by my mom)
Pelamin : DIY

cuzie & sisters...heart them <3

with trex n fiza.

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