Thursday, May 30, 2013


Time ngah mgodeng lappy, tnmpak gmbar masa konvo dolu2..

My Convocation is on the 24th October 2011.. Which is Majlis Konvokesyen UITM ke-75..

N then teringat la time apy konvo, my family x dpt nak dtg cos my mom kne fly g jakarta n adik semua ade yg dtg cume la En Boypren which now En Husband la kan..n my two cuzie yg gorjes tu..

Masa nak g konvo tu, asik dok nages je tau sbab family x sbab my mom suh jgk pg konvo sbab ye la kan...bthn blaja..takan tanak konvo kot..

Tp that was the best moment sbab after years of study and struggling..the moment to rewards and appreciate your effort is during the graduation day. Sendiri appreciate je lakan...he he he

Neway, mish the moment... Nak sambung study blik la..ley konvo skali lg...he he he

Okey...sambung  master shud be consider okey Pn Afida....bler, next year maybe...he he he


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