Thursday, May 23, 2013


Ada apa dengan Cherating?

Itulah yg duk pk sblm pi cherating....ape la yang aq ley wat kt sane ngan incik hubby...
Actually, our stay at The Legend Resort Hotel Cherating was a wedding gift from my lovely cuzie.. Thank u la yer kaklong sponser hotel kami.. Cherating ni located at Kuantan, Pahang which near to Kemaman, Terengganu.. And yg pling suprise, around 30-45 minit drive je dr kmpg aq. "pn.apy bru tau"..tok pale tu kang bru tau...

Hotel review,
The Legend Resort Hotel Cherating, nice place to stay if u wanna come to Cherating. Hotel besar, Swimming Pool die huge which for those who wanna bring family with kids, the kids will surely happy kalu dpt mandi lam pool tu...The pool divided to 3 section, for kids, then pool yg not that deep until 6ft which kids and teenagers and those yg x reti sgt swim ley mandi and yg dalam gler, Me dun like...takut okey...duk pk..cmner la kalu aq lemas kt lam pool kalu dlm2 sgt. Siap ade ayak jatuh2 lg okey...alaa air terjun kt pool tu, Tp pool die cm x bersih sgt sbab mase lalu tu....duk tgk daun2 berguguran tu bkumpul je tepi pool and daun2 pon ade kt lm pool...Tp x kesah la kn...bkn nak duk lm pool tu 24hrs...
One more thing, hotel die btul2 dkt dpn tayah la nak menapak jauh kalu nak g mandi laut.

The Legend Resort Hotel, Cherating

Our Room yg bsepah

Love the big mirror... 
View from our room balcony

Pool side view

The Legend Resort Hotel Swimming Pool

Pool View
Sorry for the picture quality..Ceq amik using phone x bape canggih... nanti la ceq beli phone canggih plak..he he he he.. Anyway, I love beach damn much...
Okey, for activity wise kt sni plak.. X banyak yg kite ley wat kt sini...But will update on what activity that we can do in cherating on my next entry...For now, Doodle...


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