Thursday, May 4, 2017


    1. Make his favorite dinner.
    2. Do one of the chores he’s usually responsible for (bonus points for not mentioning it!)
    3. Compliment him (especially on something you know he might be struggling with right now)
    4. Wear something he’s said he likes on you.
    5. Plan a special date night, start to finish.
    6. Buy him a small gift. (a Reese’s peanut butter cup goes a surprisingly long way with my husband.)
    7. Make him breakfast (or lunch, or dinner, as the case may be) in bed.
    8. Ask him point-blank how you can make his day better.
    9. Tell him how much you appreciate him and why.
    10. Have you been holding a grudge? Take action steps to forgive it – or just let it go altogether.
    11. Kiss him – no, I mean really kiss him, like when you were dating.  No pecks on the cheek, here.
    12. Put away your phone/tablet/computer when he’s in the room.
    13. Hand over control of the remote for a night or two.
    14. Run him a nice, warm, bubbly bath to help him relax when he’s stressed.
    15. Ask him to work out with you one day (whether that’s going for a run, lifting weights, or just going for a walk – this is great for endorphins!)
    16. Spend time daydreaming: about future homes, future kids, or future vacations.
      Tip: One way I like to do this is with a travel brochure.  I got a National Geographic travel brochure a few weeks ago and we spent an hour talking about what we’d want to do if we could!
    17. Tell him he’s your hero.
    18. Make his favorite dessert.
    19. Get dolled up just for him, like you did when you were dating.
    20. Make a CD of songs that make you think of him – it’s something he can listen to when he’s on patrol, so find stuff that will make him happy!
    21. Tell him one reason you love him (or randomly text it to him.)
    22. Read a book he’s recommended to you.
    23. Rent a movie he’s wanted to watch for a while.
    24. Make the table nicely for dinner, even if it’s just pizza.
    25. Gush about what a great dad he is (and why the kids love him!)
    26. If you regularly interrupt him when he’s talking, try to get out of the habit.
    27. Initiate sex – because literally nothing will make you as close of a couple as this will, and this one works quickly. 😉
    28. If you’re craftily inclined, make him something.
    29. Help your kids make him something, if you’re not so craftily inclined 🙂
    30. Send him a sweet text during the workday.
    31. Leave a note (or several) for him to find randomly.
      Ideas: under his pillow, in his usual box of cereal, on top of a plate of food in the fridge.
    32. Tell him you’re glad you married him.
    33. Hold hands with him (make use of those endorphins, baby!)
    34. If his car is in need of a wash, get it washed (or wash it yourself).
    35. Go the entire day without nagging him (this is sometimes a tall order around here, not gonna lie.)
    36. Give him a massage.
    37. Pay full attention to him when he’s talking.
    38. Iron/steam his uniform.
    39. Buy his favorite candy bar when you go grocery shopping.
    40. Frame a family picture for him for his bedside table, desk, or cruiser. Bonus points for a nice note on the back.

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