Monday, April 1, 2013


Early morning, as usual la kan, bfast kt Guesthouse je...kiteorg mmg siap2 bwk dr malaysia lg 3 in 1 nescafe, tea, mushroom soup yg packet tu, maggie, koko krunch semua la...sbab mls nk rushing cari makanan pagi2..
So pagi tu mkn kt pantry Guesthouse...pastu baru continue jalan..

Day 2 : Dongdaemun , Kwanjang Market, Halal Food: Pizza Plus

30.01.2013 - Wednesday

Dongdaemun ni located around 20 minit walk dr Guesthouse kalu nak cpt naik je la subway kan...mlm sblum tu kiteorg mmg dh try jalan dr Guesthouse ke dongdaemun..okey la for night kalu bwk family yg ramai, advise to use the subway to dongdaemun, 

There are two way if you want to use subway as alternative, 
1. Take subway to Dongdaemun History and Culture Park, Line 2 or
2  Subway Dongdaemun Line 1 or 4

Simple map tuk our information

Morning tu, kiteorg pi dongdaemun lg, Kat dongdaemun ni la located nyer shopping mall such as Doota, Migliore, Hello Am Pm, and few others. Kalu mlm ade cm night market along the way.. where you can find shoes, winter boot, socks, jacket, clothing apparel 

Kiteorg smpai je kt dongdaemun ni, lalu dkt stu tmpat yg jual mcm2 kasut, "shoe market".. tmpat ni located near to the Cheonggyecheon Stream.  Kasut sane harga dr 10,000 won...kalu pandai cari, ley jupe yg cantek2 okey..

Shoe market 

Cheonggyecheon Stream
Dkt area dongdaemun, korang jugak akan jumpe Cheonggyecheon Stream. So kalu nak jalan all the way kt stream tu pon boley sbab end point die smpai kt Donghwa Duty Free.

Halal Food: Pizza Plus
For lunch, kiteorg pegi makan kt Pizza Plus, Owner die kembar dari Turki. Mule masuk tu confius kejap.. Kedai die agak kecik tapi makanan die sedap. You can see the menu and the price range... Rindu tau nak mkn kt sane bler dh smpai malaysia...Incik suami pon asik teringat je...mgidam.he he he

Direction : 
*Pizza Plus – Dongdaemun Station, Exit 5, Landmark 2 Block From (Shinhan Bank)

Dongdaemun subway station ,  Exit 5

Keluar je dr station akan nampak Shinhan Bank signage
Pizza Plus - Halal Food at Dongdaemun

Price Range dkt Pizza Plus

Pizza + Cola Set - 3,500 Won

Mixed Beef Kebab - 6,000 Won

Kwanjang Market
Okey, yg kwanjang market ni heaven tuk org yg suke beli kain. die cm pasar which divided into few areas, ade yg wet market, dry market, food stall and kdai kain2.. You can find all sort of kain kt cni like korean silk and cotton and some others material. Price range tuk harga kain kt cni for cotton is around 10,000 Won to 25,000 Won

Direction : By Subway

Jongno-5-ga station, Line 1 (exit 8)

Mari mencari n memberli n menghabiskan duit

Incik suami suh pose..kite pose la kan..

Ahjumma yg Pn Apy n Pn Iza borong kain dr kedai die... Peace Ahjumma


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