Monday, January 21, 2013


I have never experience any winter vacation yet... so due to that, i am really excited for my next trip + it would be so much 'suweeeettttt' cos i will travel with of cos my luv ones"hubs"... 

Last dec, we had our pre honeymoon at Hatyai + Songkhla.. really short trip tho..just 3 days 2 nite which altho its really a short trip, but it was an awesome experience... 

And this going to experience sumthing which i dun think dat i be able to experience it here...x tau la kan nak kate sejuk sgt ke, sejuk je ke...sbab x tau lg...sbab my last trip to Seoul in Sept 2011, during dat time, it summer to x sejuk sgt la kn...without jacket pon still ley jln2 ke hulur hilir...

but one thing for sure...really can't wait for it..

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