Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Last summer, 24.09.2011 till 29.09.2011

bru nak blog kn!!!kecian kt aq ni...tapi tape la!!!sbab nak share experience n mane tau kalu2 ade org nak g so so RECOMMENDED !!!

it was such an awesome trip wit my buddies...trex n fiza (my ex schoolmate) n munirah, new friend of mine know her from dis trip!!


ape yang boley aq kate kan negara KOREA ni...korea negara yang sgt2 lawa, sangat2 bersih, altho people not dat friendly since maybe die pelik coz tgk orang melayu, pakai tudung altho ade je student msia kt sana kn (rare kot jupe org cm kiteorg), n maybe because of different language n dorg x phm english, sbab tu dorg x ramah!!!

okey lets begin, 

Actually trip ni d plan oleh my bestiee, NUR ATHIRAH DAHLAN + MUNIRAH, me n fiza follow aje coz since kiteorg tak penah lg jejak mana2 negara Over THE Sea!!!so I follow u!! Everything dh diplan n aq ikut aje ape yg dplan, from flight, hotel n etc.

Our flights mlm naik ape lg AIRASIA X....n smpai di Incheon Airport Soeul at around 8 am trus naik bas g area Myeondong near to subway Eljiro il-ga  which is where our hotel is located at.. Ape nam hotel kiteorg, Green Hotel....sgt comel n chatek n die kt dlm office building!! Naik bas dr incheon smpai la myeondong. Check in n mandi2 trus pastu bjalan area seoul!!

Ya allah, cantek sungguh keindahan alam ciptaan mu!!

Ni no bas 6015 yg kiteorg naik - heading to our hotel 

arrived at destination!!
the bus stop - stop at seoul royal hotel bus station
ni la hotel kiteorg!!!sgt shanttek!!!

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